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The Visualizer1DModel and Visualizer2DModel class visualize the predictions of a model on tasks with 1 or 2 features. Let’s start with the boston_housing data set. The goal is to predict the median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000s. We subset the data set to only use the features age and rm. The age feature is the proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940 and rm is the average number of rooms per dwelling.

task = tsk("boston_housing")
task$select(c("age", "rm"))

We load the support vector machine learner for regression.

learner = lrn("regr.svm")

Now we create a visualizer object with the as_visualizer() function.

vis = as_visualizer(task, learner)

First, the learner is trained on the entire task. After that a grid is created for the two features and the predictions of the model are computed for each grid point. The predictions are then visualized using a 3D scatter plot.


We can also create a 2D contour plot for the predictions.


To switch back to the 3D scatter plot initialize the scatter layer again.


Draw with contour lines above z dimension.

vis$init_layer_surface(show_contours = TRUE)

We can add the training points to the plot.


It is also possible to visualize classification tasks. We use the pima data set and impute the missing values. We select the features insulin and mass and train a support vector machine for classification.

task = tsk("pima")
task = po("imputemean")$train(list(task))[[1]]
task$select(c("insulin", "mass"))
learner = lrn("classif.svm", predict_type = "prob")

We create a visualizer object and plot the predictions. The z-axis shows the probability of the positive class.

vis = as_visualizer(task, learner)

We can add the decision boundary to the plot.
