Scenarios & Instances
The following table provides an overview over Scenarios included in YAHPO Gym and included Instances:
Scenario |
Search Space |
# Instances |
Target Metrics |
Fidelity |
H |
Source |
rbv2_super |
38D: Mixed |
103 |
9: perf(6) + rt(2) + mem |
fraction |
✓ |
[1] |
rbv2_svm |
6D: Mixed |
106 |
9: perf(6) + rt(2) + mem |
fraction |
✓ |
[1] |
rbv2_rpart |
5D: Mixed |
117 |
9: perf(6) + rt(2) + mem |
fraction |
[1] |
rbv2_aknn |
6D: Mixed |
118 |
9: perf(6) + rt(2) + mem |
fraction |
[1] |
rbv2_glmnet |
3D: Mixed |
115 |
9: perf(6) + rt(2) + mem |
fraction |
[1] |
rbv2_ranger |
8D: Mixed |
119 |
9: perf(6) + rt(2) + mem |
fraction |
✓ |
[1] |
rbv2_xgboost |
14D: Mixed |
119 |
9: perf(6) + rt(2) + mem |
fraction |
✓ |
[1] |
nb301 |
34D: Categorical |
1 |
2: perf(1) + rt(1) |
epoch |
✓ |
[2], [3] |
lcbench |
7D: Numeric |
34 |
6: perf(5) + rt(1) |
epoch |
[4], [5] |
iaml_super |
28D: Mixed |
4 |
12: perf(4) + inp(3) + rt(2) + mem(3) |
fraction |
✓ |
[6] |
iaml_rpart |
4D: Numeric |
4 |
12: perf(4) + inp(3) + rt(2) + mem(3) |
fraction |
[6] |
iaml_glmnet |
2D: Numeric |
4 |
12: perf(4) + inp(3) + rt(2) + mem(3) |
fraction |
[6] |
iaml_ranger |
8D: Mixed |
4 |
12: perf(4) + inp(3) + rt(2) + mem(3) |
fraction |
✓ |
[6] |
iaml_xgboost |
13D: Mixed |
4 |
12: perf(4) + inp(3) + rt(2) + mem(3) |
fraction |
✓ |
[6] |
mixed = numeric and categorical hyperparameters
perf = performance measures
rt = train/predict time
mem = memory consumption
inp = interpretability measures
H = Hierarchical search space
Note that the fidelity parameter is not included in the search space dimensionality.
Original data sources are given by:
[1] Binder M., Pfisterer F. & Bischl B. (2020). Collecting Empirical Data About Hyperparameters for Data Driven AutoML. 7th ICML Workshop on Automated Machine Learning.
[2] Siems, J., Zimmer, L., Zela, A., Lukasik, J., Keuper, M., & Hutter, F. (2020). NAS-Bench-301 and the Case for Surrogate Benchmarks for Neural Architecture Search. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.09777, 11.
[3] Zimmer, L. (2020). nasbench301_full_data. figshare. Dataset., Apache License, Version 2.0.
[4] Zimmer, L., Lindauer, M., & Hutter, F. (2021). Auto-Pytorch: Multi-Fidelity Metalearning for Efficient and Robust AutoDL. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 43(9), 3079-3090.
[5] Zimmer, L. (2020). figshare. Dataset., Apache License, Version 2.0.
[6] None, simply cite Pfisterer, F., Schneider, L., Moosbauer, J., Binder, M., & Bischl, B. (2022). YAHPO Gym - An Efficient Multi-Objective Multi-Fidelity Benchmark for Hyperparameter Optimization. In International Conference on Automated Machine Learning.
Please make sure to always also cite the original data sources as YAHPO Gym would not have been possible without them!
In yahpo_gym, there is a Configuration object for each scenario.
A list of all available scenarios can be obtained as follows:
from yahpo_gym.configuration import cfg
YAHPO Gym instances are evaluations of an ML algorithm (scenario) with a given set of hyperparameters on a specific dataset. Currently, the rbv2_*, lcbench, and iaml_* scenarios contain instances based on OpenML datasets. For rbv2_* and iaml_* scenarios, the task_id parameter of the ConfigSpace corresponds to the OpenML dataset identifier (i.e., this is the dataset id and not the task id). To query meta information, use<dataset_id>. For the lcbench scenario, the OpenML_task_id parameter of the ConfigSpace directly corresponds to OpenML tasks identifier (i.e., this is the task id and not the dataset id). To query meta information, use<task_id>.
Scenario |
Instances |
lcbench |
168868,167152,167200,168330,189862,189909,167181,167149,126026,168910,167190,189906,146212,189865,167168,168329,189873,34539,189866,167104,189908,3945,168335,126025,189354,126029,167161,167184,189905,168908,167185,167201,7593,168331 |
nb301 |
rbv2_svm |
40978,40966,42,377,458,307,1515,1510,16,334,50,40984,40975,1479,54,15,12,1468,40496,1501,188,40994,1462,1063,40979,469,22,23381,29,312,6332,40981,470,40499,1480,18,14,11,1494,1049,37,41157,31,1068,38,40670,23,40982,40900,181,1050,1464,40983,28,1487,46,1067,3,41212,1056,1497,182,375,32,41143,4154,60,24,44,41146,40498,41156,1475,40701,1485,41216,1489,4135,1040,4534,4538,1476,1457,1053,4134,300,1478,40536,1111,1461,41142,1220,41163,41138,1486,41164 |
rbv2_ranger |
41157,40984,54,1464,181,40496,1494,1050,40975,40994,15,1468,1462,1063,1510,334,377,11,1068,18,40982,37,469,1487,23,1515,50,458,1480,1067,40966,40983,1049,12,1497,40979,31,42,182,40900,1056,28,1501,40498,16,1479,14,60,40499,44,41146,41156,4154,40981,22,32,1489,1040,3,41216,38,312,46,29,375,1475,40685,1485,6332,470,40701,41143,41278,41027,24,1457,307,40670,188,4538,6,23381,1053,41163,41165,4134,41212,1478,40536,41142,1476,41161,4534,41159,40978,41164,300,1486,1111,1220,151,41138,40927,4135,41166,1590,4541,1461,40668,23517,41162,23512,41168,41150 |
rbv2_rpart |
1111,1486,41164,1478,182,40979,40670,40536,300,4538,4154,1040,41138,41212,1468,375,1476,1485,4134,22,4534,1068,1479,40978,31,470,11,37,1475,16,24,377,18,40966,40984,23381,1497,40975,1056,458,1501,1063,41162,41142,40900,307,15,41156,14,3,1494,1067,181,44,41163,40983,38,42,40994,4135,312,1053,29,1510,40701,60,1462,1515,1487,50,41146,6332,40498,41143,1489,54,46,23,40982,32,28,1049,1464,12,40499,1050,1590,41161,1457,40981,41159,334,1480,41165,40496,469,40927,41157,188,23512,1461 |
rbv2_glmnet |
41156,38,40701,60,24,469,37,23381,15,1464,29,40981,11,4534,40978,40994,458,312,1063,1489,3,1068,1510,18,6332,23,41143,470,1462,4538,44,1067,1053,31,1497,41146,40983,1494,41212,1040,50,41157,40984,40536,40900,1050,54,1485,1487,40496,1468,40975,1049,1480,181,375,40982,1475,1461,4154,334,377,1590,40966,1515,16,40979,1056,22,182,188,1501,40498,4541,12,14,40499,1486,42,32,23512,28,307,1479,46,41278,4134,40670,41162,4135,41159,40668,41161,41142,1111,41138,1478,1476 |
rbv2_xgboost |
3,54,38,41278,41156,42,60,41161,375,4154,41216,41162,32,1468,46,1479,50,1497,40982,1461,41143,41146,40499,300,4534,6332,4135,14,41157,12,22,40496,1478,29,40978,312,40670,469,1476,1487,4134,1590,15,40994,41212,188,1501,470,377,1515,181,1486,18,458,40975,40498,1050,41142,1489,4541,40979,1485,23,1040,24,1480,40701,40966,41159,1049,44,1068,40900,1464,31,4538,23381,40981,1067,1510,182,37,40983,307,1475,1494,16,41163,11,1111,334,1063,1053,41164,40984,1056,41138,40536,1462,28,40668,41165,1457,1220,41150,40927,23512,151,41166 |
rbv2_aknn |
469,181,40496,1464,1462,11,334,40981,42,1480,18,40994,1063,1068,1510,15,54,50,23381,307,23,37,29,470,40975,188,31,377,6332,22,16,14,182,375,1501,1515,1475,60,1497,4538,12,40979,40499,300,28,1479,1053,32,41143,1468,312,41212,458,1476,1494,40984,1049,4134,4534,1478,1050,40966,40982,41156,1067,1485,40900,40498,1487,1489,40983,46,40536,1056,40670,38,44,41146,40701,3,1457,1040,41142,1220,41164,4154,41278,24,1486,41163,40978,41138,41157,1111,41159,41162,41161,41165,1461 |
rbv2_super |
42,377,40966,1510,458,54,334,40975,15,1462,50,1515,40496,40994,469,40984,1063,40978,307,16,1468,11,18,40979,12,1479,1501,37,1480,1464,1068,40981,181,22,29,1494,23381,31,23,188,470,312,14,6332,1049,40499,41157,1050,40982,1487,40900,40983,38,1067,28,1497,182,3,40670,60,1056,46,375,44,41156,41212,4154,41146,32,41143,24,1489,40498,1475,40701,1040,1485,4538,4534,1053,40536,4134,1478,1476,1486,41142,1111,41138,1461 |
iaml_ranger |
1489,41146,40981,1067 |
iaml_rpart |
41146,1489,40981,1067 |
iaml_glmnet |
40981,41146,1489,1067 |
iaml_xgboost |
41146,1489,1067,40981 |
iaml_super |
41146,1489,40981,1067 |
A list of available instances can be obtained from the instances slot after instantiating the BenchmarkSet.
from yahpo_gym import BenchmarkSet
Users can now instantiate a Benchmark or config with this <ID>, e.g. using cfg(“<ID>”).