Extending YAHPO Gym

This document describes how to extend YAHPO Gym with new configurations and scenarios. PR’s with new problems are welcome! See below on how to add new problem sets.

There are two main steps that need to be added for a new scenario locally.

  1. Add new configuration:

The yahpo_gym.configuration module contains the relevant meta-data required to fit and predict surrogates. This includes a config_id (an id variable); y_names, cont_names and cat_names describing names of the target, numeric and categorical variables respectively and so on.

from yahpo_gym.configuration import config_dict, cfg
_new_dict = {
    'scenario' : '<ID>', # Add some Id
    'y_names' : ['valid_loss', ...], # names of target variables
    'y_minimize' : [True, ...], # whether target variables should be minimized
    'cont_names': ['epoch', 'learning_rate'], # numeric variables
    'cat_names': ['task', 'activation_fn_1'], # categorical variables
    'instance_names': 'task', # which column describes the instance.
    'fidelity_params': ['epoch', 'replication'], # which columns are fidelity parameters
    'runtime_name': 'runtime', # which columns predict runtime (if available)s
    'citation': 'CITE' # Reference if available
config_dict.update({'<ID>' : _new_dict})

Users can now instantiate a Benchmark or config with this <ID>, e.g. using cfg(“<ID>”).

2. Add the required metadata: This includes fitted surrogates and parameter spaces that we’ll add to our data_path. For an example on how the final data looks like implemented models and hyperparameters see https://github.com/slds-lmu/yahpo_data.

  • Add a folder using the benchmark’s <ID> to your data_path.

  • Add the data required to train the surrogate model as data.csv.

  • Add the ConfigSpace.ConfigSpace in the .json format as config_space.json. This defines all hyperparameters and instances used throughout the optimization.

  • The yahpo_train module can now be used to train a new surrogate. See the notebooks folder for training code. This produces the encoding.json and model.onnx files required for prediction.

  • For compatibility with the R package, a paradox::ParamSet similar to the ConfigSpace is required. Create a file param_set.R containing the ParamSet.

Include your benchmark in YAHPO Gym

Once you have tested your benchmark, you can create a PR to the yahpo_gym and yahpo_data repositories. Note that the yahpo_data PR should not include the data, but instead only the model (.onnx) and parameter spaces. Please include information on the problem, the surrogate’s performance and other relevant info in the PR.