Frequently Asked Questions

In the following, we maintain a list of frequently asked questions.


If you use YAHPO Gym, please cite the following paper:

  • Pfisterer, F., Schneider, L., Moosbauer, J., Binder, M., & Bischl, B. (2022). YAHPO Gym - An Efficient Multi-Objective Multi-Fidelity Benchmark for Hyperparameter Optimization. In International Conference on Automated Machine Learning.

Moreover, certain scenarios built upon previous work, e.g., the lcbench scenario uses data from:

  • Zimmer, L., Lindauer, M., & Hutter, F. (2021). Auto-Pytorch: Multi-Fidelity Metalearning for Efficient and Robust AutoDL. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 43(9), 3079-3090.

  • Zimmer, L. (2020). figshare. Dataset., Apache License, Version 2.0.

OpenML task_id and dataset_id

Currently, the rbv2_*, lcbench, and iaml_* scenarios contain instances based on OpenML datasets. For rbv2_* and iaml_* scenarios, the task_id parameter of the ConfigSpace corresponds to the OpenML dataset identifier (i.e., this is the dataset id and not the task id). To query meta information, use<dataset_id>. For the lcbench scenario, the OpenML_task_id parameter of the ConfigSpace directly corresponds to OpenML tasks identifier (i.e., this is the task id and not the dataset id). To query meta information, use<task_id>.


YAHPO Gym relies on static neural networks compiled via ONNX. This should result in reproducible results given equal hardware and software versions. Unfortunately, ONNX models do not always yield reproducible results across different hardware. This is, e.g. discussed in

In practice, we have not observed relevant differences between different hardware versions, but this might help to explain observations regarding a lack of exact reproducibility.

lcbench and epochs

The original LCBench data includes 52 epochs. The surrogates of YAHPO Gym v1.0 were trained on this data. Note, however, that the first epoch in the LCBench data refers to the models only being initialized (i.e., not trained). Usually, it is therefore best to exclude this first epoch for learning curve purposes or when doing multi-fidelity HPO. Moreover, the last epoch in the original LCBench data mostly contains exactly the same performance metrics as the penultimate epoch. Often, a sensible epoch range for the lcbench scenario in YAHPO Gym is therefore given by 2 to 51.

Monotonicity in Runtime

Currently, YAHPO Gym surrogates do not enforce runtime predictions to be monotone increasing with respect to the fidelity parameter. This is mainly due to most of our scenarios not involving the training of neural networks (except for nb301 and lcbench) and in the case of, e.g., the fidelity parameter being trainsize, it is not necessary meaningful to assume a monotone increasing relationship between runtime and fidelity. As we are using the same surrogate architecture for all scenarios, monotonicity is therefore also not enforced for the lcbench and nb301 scenarios. We plan to incorporate surrogates that enforce a monotone increasing relationship between runtime and and the fidelity parameter for the lcbench and nb301 scenarios in upcoming versions of YAHPO Gym.

Using F1 scores for rbv2_*

F1 scores in the rbv2_* scenarios are only available for binary classification datasets. On multiclass datasets, the corresponding F1 score is imputed with 0 and returned by the surrogate model. The information on which id corresponds to a multiclass dataset can be obtained from the entry is_multicrit in BenchmarkSet.config.config.

Memory Estimation for rbv2_*

For the rbv2_* settings, memory consumption was estimated by observing the memory consumption during training via /usr/bin/time. This estimates the maximum resident size. In general, we assume that this provides a coarse estimation of the processes memory consumption. However, it does not seem to work if the goal, is to, e.g., measure memory consumption across learning curves. In this setting, we often observe constant memory consumption across a full learning curve and also very low memory estimates close to 0. We therefore discourage using memory metrics in this setting. In addition, memory estimation was not always logged properly resulting in memory consumption imputed with 0, which might lead to problems on some instances.

Multi-Objective Benchmarking

We observed that one some multi-objective benchmark problems, Pareto fronts can collapse, i.e., although we initially assume that objectives are in competition we can find a single best point that optimizes all objectives simultaneously and optimizers can then proceed to only further optimize a subset of all objectives because the other ones have become irrelevant.

While we believe that this is still a well defined multi-objective optimization problem and multi-objective quality indicators can still be computed (even if the resulting Pareto set contains only a single point) we want to note that such problems can introduce some biases, i.e., favouring optimizers that explore the extreme regions of the Pareto front.

This mostly affects rbv2_* scenarios (mostly rbv2_xgboost and rbv2_super) and hardware metrics like memory but can sometimes also be observed for iaml_* scenarios (e.g., if nf is included as an objective).

For rbv2_* problems, this is a result of the memory estimation (see above), but in general, this effect is intensified by the extrapolation behavior of the surrogate.

We will try to address this issue in upcoming versions of YAHPO Gym.

Performance Metrics for rbv2_xgboost

We observed that our surrogate for the rbv2_xgboost scenarios tends to predict very good performance (e.g., acc, auc) for most instances for a large amount of hyperparameter configurations. While XGBoost can be considered state-of-the art on tabular data and very good performance can be expected, this might also be a result of an unaccounted ceiling effect within the surrogate.

We are looking into this issue and will try to address it in upcoming versions of YAHPO Gym.

Noisy Surrogates

YAHPO Gym allows using noisy surrogates, this means that surrogates will predict targets from a distribution conditional on hyperparameters. This internally works as follows: 1. Given 3 neural networks f_1 - f_3 that predict targets from hyperparameters, run the prediction step 2. Sample a vector alpha of length 3, such that each alpha_i is in [0, 1] and they sum to 1 3. The noisy prediction is given by the sum of neural network predictions weighted by the respective alpha

While this works well in theory, this was not tested thoroughly and the use of noisy surrogates is therefore discouraged at the moment. Furthermore, we have not extensively tested whether all noisy surrogates indeed correctly return noisy predictions. We will improve this in upcoming versions of YAHPO Gym.