
The course material covers all exam-relevant topics in a quite self-contained manner. For more in-depth study, we recommend the following literature. Note that some of the books are rather detailed and involved, and more geared towards a larger lecture in a Master’s degree.

We recommend to buy and read at least one standard reference on ML, for BSc level this might be the James, for the MSc level the Hastie, Bishop, Murphy or Alplaydin, the Shalev-Shwartz for a mathematical entry point, and Deep Learning book written by Goodfelow, for a python and DL entry.

Helpful References for Prerequisites

If you need to read up on some of the required topics (see Prerequisites), this list might help. We tried to keep it as short as possible.

Good Websites to have a look

Optimization / Training of NNs:



Autoencoders/Variational Autoencoders

Reinforcement Learning



Material for Exercises

Machine Learning

Mathematical & Statistical Theory

Python Programming

R Programming

We use the mlr3 package for machine learning in R quite heavily.