Introduction to Deep Learning (I2DL)

Our website offers an open and free introductory course on deep learning. The course is constructed as self-contained as possible, and enables self-study through lecture videos, PDF slides, cheatsheets, exercises (with solutions), and notebooks in both R (TensorFlow) and Python (PyTorch).

The lecture aims at providing a basic theoretical and practical understanding of neural networks. First, we cover the necessary background on traditional artificial neural networks, backpropagation, online learning, and regularization. Then we explain special methods used in deep learning, like drop-out and rectified linear units. We also talk about further advanced topics like convolutional layers, recurrent neural networks, auto-encoders, and generative adversarial networks (GANs). At the LMU Munich we teach this course for on MSc level (statiscs and data science).

What is not covered: (1) Predictive modeling (supervised learning). (2) Advanced deep learning. (3) Deep learning for NLP. (4) An in-depth coverage of optimization. We are working on separate open courses for the above topics.