YAHPO Gym (Yet Another Hyperparameter Optimization Gym) is a collection of interesting problem sets for benchmark hyperparameter optimization / black-box optimization methods described in here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03670.
YAHPO Gym consists of several scenarios, e.g., the collection of all benchmark instances in lcbench is a scenario. Here, an instance is the concrete task of optimizing hyperparameters of a neural network on a given dataset from OpenML.
A note on OpenML IDs
Currently, the rbv2_*
, lcbench
, and iaml_*
scenarios contain instances based on OpenML datasets.
For rbv2_*
and iaml_*
scenarios, the task_id parameter of the ConfigSpace corresponds to the OpenML dataset identifier (i.e., this is the dataset id and not the task id).
To query meta information, use https://www.openml.org/d/<dataset_id>.
For the lcbench
scenario, the OpenML_task_id parameter of the ConfigSpace directly corresponds to OpenML tasks identifier (i.e., this is the task id and not the dataset id).
To query meta information, use https://www.openml.org/t/<task_id>.
For other questions, see the frequently asked questions section.
Why should I use it?
YAHPO Gym provides blazing fast and simple access to a variety of interesting benchmark problems for hyperparameter optimization. Since all our benchmarks are based on surrogate models that approximate the underlying HPO problems with very high fidelity, function evaluations are fast and memory friendly allowing for fast benchmarks across a large variety of problems. Our library makes use of ConfigSpace(https://automl.github.io/ConfigSpace/) to describe the hyperparameter space to optimize and can thus be seamlessly integrated into many existing projects e.g. HpBandSter(https://github.com/automl/HpBandSter).

Module Documentation
Getting Started
Scenarios & Instances
Extending YAHPO Gym
The relevant surrogate models and meta-data can be obtained from yahpo_data (https://github.com/slds-lmu/yahpo_data). We will release new versioned updates of the repository in the future.