
Exercise 1

The aim of this exercise is to establish a basic intuition of metrics and sets as well as some fundamental proof techniques.

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Exercise 2

The aim of this exercise is to foster an intuition for matrix algebra and index notation as well as refresh knowledge about systems of linear equations and how to solve them.

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Exercise 3

The aim of this exercise is to establish an understanding of vector spaces and their connection to systems of linear equations and linear maps.

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Exercise 4

The aim of this exercise is to practice calculating determinants, eigen-stuff and matrix decompositions, as well as strengthen the intuition behind these concepts.

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Exercise 5

The aim of this exercise is to deepen the understanding of inner products and orthogonal projections.

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Exercise 6

The aim of this exercise is to promote the understanding of sequences, series, and limits and formally establish the concept of univariate differentiation.

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Exercise 7

The aim of this exercise is to practice matrix calculus, specifically computing derivatives of functions from and to spaces of different dimensions.

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Exercise 8

The aim of this exercise is to become familiar with the Hessian matrix and local extrema and foster an inutition for Taylor series.

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Exercise 9

The aim of this exercise is to become familiar with the concepts of Convexity and Lipschitz continuity and provide an intuition for their use for optimization problems.

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Exercise 10

The aim of this exercise is to introduce probability spaces and measure integrals, which form a fundamental basis for the curriculum of the next two weeks.

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Exercise 11

The aim of this exercise is to establish the concepts of random variables and distributions form a probability-theory perspective.

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Exercise 12

The aim of this exercise is to foster an understanding of conditional expectation and conditional variance.

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