Chapter 06.05: Computational Aspects of Finding Splits

In this section, we explain the computational aspects of the node-splitting procedure, especially for nominal features. In addition, we illustrate how to deal with missing values.

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--- shuffle_questions: false --- ## Which statements are true? - [x] To find optimal splits, one iterates over all features, and for each feature over all possible split points. - [ ] To find optimal splits, we use the one that splits the data approximately in half in each step. - [x] To find optimal splits, we evaluate the possible splits only on the data that ended up in the parent node we are trying to split. - [x] The optimal split results in the lowest sum of empirical risks in the child nodes. - [ ] Monotone transformations of several features will change the structure of the tree. - [x] The CART algorithm cannot go on training if every node contains exactly one observation.