Chapter 04.10: ROC Curves

In this section, we explain the ROC curve and how to calculate it. In addition, we will present the AUC as a global performance measure that integrates over all possible thresholds.

Lecture video

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Code demo


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--- shuffle_questions: false --- ## Which statements are true? - [ ] If the proportion of positive to negative instances in the training data changes, the ROC curve will not change. - [x] If the proportion of positive to negative instances in the test data changes, the ROC curve will not change. - [x] Several evaluation metrics can be derived from a confusion matrix. - [x] The area under the ROC curve is called AUC. - [ ] A model with AUC=0 is the worst case. ## Which statements are true? - [ ] Using the prediction on the train data is the ordinary and correct way of calculating the ROC. - [x] The calculation of the ROC should be done on a test set. - [x] The AUC is not affected by the threshold, as opposed to the MCE.