Chapter 03.03: Linear Classifiers

Linear classifiers are an essential subclass of classification models. This section provides the definition of a linear classifier and depicts differences between linear and non-linear decision boundaries.

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--- shuffle_questions: false --- ## Which statements are true? - [x] Classification is part of supervised learning. - [ ] Scoring classifiers always output numbers between 0 and 1. - [x] Probabilistic classifiers always output numbers between 0 and 1. - [x] With scoring classifiers one can obtain class labels by using a threshold. - [ ] The decision boundary does not depend on the model used. ## Which statements are true? - [x] For the discriminant approach we must have a loss function for minimization. - [ ] The generative and discriminant approach are basically the same. - [x] The generative approach is a probabilistic approach. - [ ] Binary classification uses two discriminant functions. - [ ] Linear classifiers can just learn linear decision boundaries. - [x] Logistic regression is an example for the discriminant approach. - [x] Linear classifiers specify the discriminant function with linear functions.